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Your journey. Our expertise.

Build & scale with
 Paddle AI Launchpad

Unlock the full potential of your AI business in 6 weeks




AI founders


Cash prize

Elevate you AI ambitions

The knowledge and insights to turn your AI solution into a thriving SaaS business

Tailored guidance, practical insights, and industry expertise to accelerate your path to market dominance

Expert mentorship

Leverage mentorship from leaders across Paddle and the wider SaaS industry

Exclusive access

Unlock exclusive benefits and masterclasses to scale your product and go-to-market strategies

Collaborative community

Connect with AI Founders and innovators with a diverse range of experience

Program outline

Build. Innovate. Scale.

6 weeks. 50 AI founders. Working together to set your path towards sustainable growth.

  • Product strategy Test and learn to find your product market fit
  • Go-to-market strategy Find and reach your target customers
  • Finance & operations Build a solid financial footing to scale
Christian Owens, Founder and Executive Chairman of Paddle

We started the AI Launchpad to help a new generation of software founders that are building in one of the world’s fastest-moving categories. We were blown away by the ambition and innovation shown by our first cohort of AI founders so we’re thrilled to be expanding the program for a second year

Christian Owens, Paddle Founder & Executive Chairman

RemoveBG by Kaleido AI logo

How Kaleido used Paddle to launch and scale their business globally

20% month-on-month growth

Vidyo.ai logo

Future-proofing global growth in the rapidly expanding AI software space

$100K new revenue in 30 days


During the 6 week program Virtual Staging 10x their revenue from $20k MRR to $200k MRR

Apply to Paddle's AI Launchpad

You should apply if you are

  1. AI-focussed 
Your core product offering is built on top of natural language processing or machine learning, or your product has AI features.
  2. Beyond ideation 
By the start of the of the program you have a minimal viable product to put masterclass learnings and insights into practice.
  3. Ready to scale 
You have a growing customer/user base, showing clear signs of market traction and potential for growth.

Join the waiting list

Applications for the current cohort are now closed, join the waiting list to get notified when applications open back up.


What is the AI Launchpad program?

AI Launchpad is a 6-week program covering product strategy, go-to-market strategy, and finance & operations. Successful applicants will join a group of other founders and mentors to help turn ideas and MVPs into solid and growing businesses.

Do participants need to pay to join the program?


Is the program conducted online or in-person?

The program is run remotely via Zoom and Slack.

What is the application process?

Interested founders can apply through our website by filling out a short application form. Our team will review all applications and select participants for each cohort.

Are there any prerequisites to joining the program?

No specific prerequisites, except that the founders' business ideas or businesses must leverage AI and comply with Paddle's Acceptable Use Policy.

Do you need to be using Paddle to participate?

You are not required to use Paddle in order to apply and participate in the AI Launchpad. However, it is necessary to read and agree to Paddle's acceptable use policy and terms and conditions in order to apply. Additionally, to be eligible for the $20,000 cash prize, your AI-based idea must be taking transactions through Paddle.

I have more questions. How can I get in touch?

For any additional questions, please reach us at launchpad@paddle.com