Paddle Blog
Discover what sustainable growth in SaaS really looks like with expert insights shared every month

Boosting resilience through chaos testing: One test at a time

SaaS market report for April 2024: B2B’s strongest month in over a year

The Missing Ingredient: How Quality Data Powers Pricing Success

SaaS market report for March 2024: Growth slows for B2B, while B2C hits a 2-year high

Payment routing part 2: Developing Paddle’s Rules Engine

Payment routing part 1: Unifying the payments lifecycle

What’s new in Paddle [Q1 2024] - Paddle Forward highlights

SaaS market report for February 2024: Promising momentum for B2B and B2C

How to unlock revenue growth for your mobile app on the web

SaaS market report for January 2024: Growth surges back

Apple DMA Changes - What this means for in-app purchases

2023 B2B SaaS market report: Is the worst behind us?