Ultimate Guide to Gross Revenue: Formula, Calculation, Recognition & Recording

It's not uncommon for companies to announce their fiscal quarterly or annual gross revenue. Just
By ProfitWell

Optimize user offboarding process to discover the reasons behind cancellation

Most SaaS companies understand the importance of onboarding. A proper onboarding experience
By ProfitWell

What is recurring payment? Definition, benefits, & strategies

Every business desires to increase revenue streams and get to more predictable levels of
By ProfitWell

5 Payment ledger benefits for SaaS & subscription businesses

SaaS and subscription businesses no longer depend on spreadsheet records. They rely on
By ProfitWell

What is EBIT (Earnings Before Income and Taxes) & how it helps evaluate business performance

Determining the financial health of your business is quite tricky. There are numerous metrics to
By ProfitWell

Net Dollar Retention (NDR): Definition, formula & tips

SaaS businesses need repeat customers because their business models usually rely on subscription
By ProfitWell

Gordon Growth Model formula: How to calculate constant growth rate

Determining the value of financial securities involves making educated guesses. That's because
By ProfitWell

How to calculate revenue churn, why you should keep it low & how to do it

Here's a fundamental truth: if your subscription business model anticipates creating value, any
By ProfitWell

Guide to subscription models for 2022: Definition, benefits, tips & metrics to track

Subscription pricing models continue to become a major part of modern software sales. The model
By ProfitWell

SaaS management: What is it & why should your company care? (+ strategy & best practices)

Businesses today are increasingly relying on SaaS for everyday business activities. This results
By ProfitWell
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