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What's your Netflix password?

Abby Sullivan Oct 29 2019

Today, we share Netflix passwords. Plus, Rev Boston helps mold the sharpest females in tech, and a tribute to the late Silicon Valley great, Don Valentine.


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Let's share Netflix passwords

Although I don't call myself a television fanatic in any right, even I have Netflix. So there must be something they're doing right.

But the followup question here is: Do you share your Netflix password with others?

Admittedly, my entire family uses a shared account, despite that we're living in four separate households. (Can I get in trouble for admitting this...?)

Apparently, Netflix recently announced it'll be clamping down on customers who share their passwords with others. But perhaps the craziest thing here is how nonchalant Netflix has been on this in the past. And even moving forward, despite the news we’re seeing about cracking down, recent input from CFO Spencer Neumann says otherwise.

"We have no big plans to announce at this time in terms of doing something differently there."

Sure, there would likely be an uproar of users if the crackdown were hardcore, but it feels like all this talk about Netflix getting stricter is pure clickbait, no?

And in all fairness, subscription is the Netflix business model, and password-sharing naturally circumvents that. We know Netflix is a streaming giant—and apparently not super worried about the issues—but this is an ongoing situation that online subscriptions have to address and deal with on the regular. In principle, you could share your password with anyone with an account of this nature. And there’s no single standard for measuring this stuff.

Although I’m pumped to share an account across five users, I’d still be willing to pay the monthly rate if the need came about, which is saying something about Netflix. Netflix is super solid in the brand loyalty sector, as it took a DVD rental service and essentially turned it into a cultural icon.

And its relentless focus on quality content positioned the platform for impressive growth. Later in this episode, we have a clip from our show Tradeoffs, on how Netflix must change as the market evolves and expands.

Spoiler alert: It sounds like Hiten Shah is a password-sharer himself.

Where do you stand on the password-sharing debate? And as an online subscription company, how do you thwart the use of multi-users on one name? Email me at to keep the conversation alive.


Revving up female tech talent

Rev Boston, a space to honor the top women in Boston tech, celebrates five years of bringing recognition and resources to female tech talent.

The Rev collective is now 100 women strong as of its fifth year: Rev 5.

Sarah Downey, one of Rev’s founders, says she and her fellow founders had “a hunch that curating and bringing together a small group of high-performing women, plus having experts teach interactively about topics that may feel out of reach, could kickstart the group to achieve even more.”

"Don’t get me wrong: these women are already linchpins of their companies; they don’t need to do more than they already do. But many have told us that things like angel investing, founding a company, or even asking for a career advancement they want and deserve were always intriguing but didn’t seem possible."

Out of the first four cohorts of Rev:

  • 86% have been promoted or moved to a new company with a higher position
  • 19% have become a founder or CEO
  • 15% have joined a board
  • 31% have made an angel investment

Although Rev does not claim credit for these outcomes, we know the assistance, network, references, and investments made by Rev are an addition that’s welcome with open arms for these talented ladies.

And among the forces to be reckoned with—our very own Lillian Bacher, ProfitWell’s badass (yet very humble) Global Head of Pricing.

We’re pumped to be involved with organizations like this in this space, lifting each other up for one common good.


A tribute to the late Silicon Valley great: Don Valentine

American venture capitalist and founder of Sequoia, Don Valentine, has passed at the age of 87, and we see Silicon Valley leaders and business professionals paying tribute across Twitter.

Sequoia posted a tribute to Valentine shortly thereafter, calling him “one of a generation of leaders who forged Silicon Valley.”

Since founding Sequoia Capital in 1972, Valentine financed several of the Silicon Valley companies that have seen the largest business and technology success—from Apple and Oracle to Google and YouTube.

Among the contributions tweeted out was one from our neighbor David Cancel over at Drift, with the following message:

In his View From The Top" talk from back in 2010, Valentine describes some of the insights that allowed him to lead Sequoia through almost four decades of disruptive changes, creating several new industries along the way.

Among many insights, in it he says your brand is about your ability to tell a story. You must be able to tell a good story in order to successfully sell your product.

And in his 87 years of life, Don Valentine created an immensely impressive story for himself.


Tradeoffs: Netflix

Is Netflix making the wrong tradeoffs in the streaming market?

As one of the most popular and longest-running streaming services in the market, Netflix took a DVD rental service and transformed it into a cultural icon. In this Tradeoffs, Patrick Campbell and Hiten Shah show you how Netflix's relentless focus on quality content positioned the platform for impressive growth and how that has to change as the market evolves and expands.

And that’s a wrap for your October 29 subscription news. Recruit your teammates into the subscription know: to sign up for episodes on the daily.

If you have news to share, hit me up at and we'll collaborate.

By Abby Sullivan

Content Marketer

Subscription market insights you won't find anywhere else.