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Subscription60: Friday, March 15th

Abby Sullivan Mar 15 2019

We’re back again, pals. It’s Friday, we’re feeling good. Abby here on March 15th — so although I’m encouraged to advise you beware the ides of March, I also say cheers to a weekend of Guinness and lamb pot pie. Whichever way you look at it, we’ve made it here, so we’re rolling it on home with the subscription news and recurring revenue resources you can’t do without.

We’re back again, pals, it’s Friday, we’re
feeling good.
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The Rundown
In resources...

Crisis Control Communication We hope you never find yourself in the middle of a brand crisis, but in the unfortunate event that you do, you'll find that users often turn to social for immediate status of the situation. If you don't take charge and respond quickly with real answers in real time, other people will fill in the blanks for you. So this take from Sprout Social's Adapt is all about crisis communication, avoiding a misstep turning into a meltdown.  

"Of course it’s difficult to predict a brand crisis—even more so given how quickly information spreads in today’s digital world. But having a proactive social strategy in place can make the difference whether consumer loyalty is lost, retained or won."

A Gamer Pricing Teardown In the freshest episode of Pricing Page Teardown, Patrick and Peter pit the Orcs against the Flossers in a World of Warcraft/Fortnite pricing showdown. Will Epic come out on top, or will Blizzard storm the competition? Watch to find out. 


In headlines...

Brand New BlueJeans BlueJeans announces the release of the BlueJeans App Network, a hub for their certified integrations, launching with six new partnered integrations amid the app's 25, so BlueJeans is doing even more while looking better than ever. 

New School by Newsela The quickest adopters of new technology are kids, which is pretty evident when you talk to a GenZ-er about what they do in their spare time. But, the move toward digital is everywhere, including the classroom. Enter Newsela, the education startup that's bringing reading material into the 21st century. Content that was formerly framed in a (dusty old) textbook is now digitized with a sleek, modern interface, even scalable for different reading levels. And, with a $50 million dollar investment from Technology Crossover Ventures, it looks like new school is here to stay.

"Growing up I was reading news constantly so making that sort of content accessible to everyone, I thought, was a cool idea. It just became very clear to me that this is a product that makes student outcomes better, and teachers’ lives easier."

Drawn to Sketch Design-first has become a leading marketing strategy in several spaces. So we have our eye on Sketch, a startup that consistently topped Apple’s App Store charts, and just saw $20 million in funding from Benchmark to promote a promising future.

"... once we got a look at the company, we were blown away by it. There’s so much potential of what this could be that things moved fast. There wasn’t much of a negotiation. We were like, ‘What do you guys want to do? Let’s do it.'"

Product of the Day

We’re all ears over Slack integrations, and it looks like the latest app to come on board is Litmus, the gold standard in email creation and analytics. With it, marketers can communicate their campaign goals better than ever before, with each action in Litmus prompting a Slack notification. This also adds some transparency to what you’re working on, and when you’re running multiple campaigns at once, something that communicates for you is a real lifesaver.

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By Abby Sullivan

Content Marketer

Subscription market insights you won't find anywhere else.