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BIG NEWS: Paddle acquires ProfitWell to "do it for you"

Subscription60: Wednesday, March 20th

Abby Sullivan Mar 20 2019

Hey crew, it’s Abby here on the very first day of spring. And although it sure as heck doesn’t feel like it in Boston, we’re rocking florals nonetheless. It may not be all birds and blooms just yet, but you know it’s always subscription season. So let’s take a look at the recurring revenue resources and news you just can’t miss today.


The Rundown
In resources...

Go Remote or Co-Locate In this week's ProfitWell Report, we ponder what promises faster growth: teams that go remote or co-locate? After analyzing over 3,000 companies (we're all about that data), we have a pretty good grasp of which approach outpaces the other. The simple answer? Remote teams grow at a 20 to 30 percent reduced rate than co-located teams. However, the bigger the business, the more these margins close in. Multi office expansion is inevitable at some point, so the question is less "if" than "when" to make the move. For an analysis with a bit more nuance, listen to Neel break it down in the report. 

"So should we say screw remote teams? Not exactly. There are a few big pieces to keep in mind here. For one, as stated previously all companies go remote or multi-office at some point, so it’s not an argument of either/or, it’s more of an argument of when."

ProfitWell x 2Checkout Continuing with the ProfitWell goodness, we're stoked to team up with 2Checkout in a data driven pricing strategy webinar tomorrow. We looked at over 9,000 companies, analyzing each one's pricing strategies to gleam insights we're ready to share. We will break it down to the core pricing principles you need, suggesting easily implementable tweaks to start boosting your revenue. It's all going down tomorrow at 2 p.m. EST, so set an alarm and snag yourself a seat.

Security Savvy We know a little risk can often result in big reward. But when it comes to your company’s security measures, that risk’s always a no-go. Partners at Insynq and Okta agree, so they’re bringing you the ultimate list to mitigate risk — by implementing an Adaptive Multi Factor Authentication, where every login attempt is analyzed based on context, being sure to close out former employees to eliminate one more foothold for hackers, and not resting on your laurels, because the people looking to steal your data certainly won’t.

"Now that your people are the new perimeter, you should treat every user attempting to interact with your system as someone that needs to earn your trust."


In headlines...

Atlassian Gets Agile Atlassian acquires AgileCraft for $166MM. As their name would suggest, AgileCraft is centered around the Agile methodology, all about cross-functionality across teams, plus adaptability. AgileCraft helps business leaders recognize the obstacles their tech teams face so they can make data-driven decisions. With SaaS overtaking the marketplace, increasing numbers of execs (that use Atlassian) are driven into the tech space, so this partnership — two titans offering unmatched capabilities — makes seamless sense.

Product of the Day

In extra time, we’re looking to spice up your life with new products and launches that’ll help your business stand out. Today we’re peeping, a way to slice through the clutter and receive that high quality marketing content you thrive on. But instead, we’re more interested in highlighting their newly updated onboarding process, which is zestier than ever. And we know the better the onboarding, the better the retention (not to mention higher willingness to pay). For the full breakdown of new interface brilliance and more, check out ReallyGoodUX’s tour of Zest’s new onboarding process.

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By Abby Sullivan

Content Marketer

Subscription market insights you won't find anywhere else.